what happen to our bodies after we die ?

what happen to our bodies after we die

After death, the body begins to undergo a process called decomposition, which is the breaking down of organic matter by bacteria and other organisms. The process of decomposition is influenced by several factors, including temperature, humidity, and the presence of oxygen.

Immediately after death, the body's cells begin to lose their oxygen supply, causing them to die. The body's muscles will relax and the body will become limp. The body's temperature will begin to drop as well, and it will eventually become cool to the touch.

As the decomposition process begins, enzymes that were previously contained within the cells of the body will begin to break down the cell walls, releasing the enzymes and other chemicals that will aid in the decomposition process.

Within a few hours of death, the body will begin to change color, becoming discolored and purple or marbled in appearance. The body will also begin to emit an odor as the bacteria in the gut begin to break down the body's tissues.

As the decomposition process continues, the body will begin to release gases, causing the abdomen to swell and the skin to blister. The body's hair, nails, and teeth may also loosen or fall out.

After several days, the body will become dehydrated and begin to dry out, causing the skin to shrink and wrinkle. Eventually, the body will become a skeleton and all that will be left is the bones, with the soft tissues decomposed.

It's important to note that the above process may vary depending on the cause of death, where the body is found, and environmental factors. If the body is embalmed the process of decomposition is slowed down, but not stopped.


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